Spectrum Characteristic of Dissipative Compact Schemes and Application to Couette Flow 耗散紧致格式的频谱特性研究与应用
The generation and evolution of turbulent spots using the wall impulse model in the plane Couette flow are studied by direct numerical simulation of Navier-Stokes equations. 湍流斑是近壁剪切流动中的重要现象,它们的生成和发展与流动转捩和湍流的形成密切相关。
The Couette flow between two concentric cylinders is studied by imitation experiment. 通过模拟实验对同心环隙科特流进行了研究。
Obtained difference scheme is used to solve Couette flow. 所建立的差分格式被用来数值求解Couette流以考查这一方法。
Couette flow analysis is to applied to the near wall region, and the slip value conception is applied the wall boundary and free boundary. Thus the relative accuracy of the calculation results is ensured. 其中在附面层靠近壁面的底层区使用了Gouette流分析,在壁面边界和自由流边界处引入了滑移值的概念,因此保证了计算结果的相对准确性。
Using the Couette turbulent flow theory analyses impacts of the air flow between the train and the channel wall on train ventilation effects and proposes a balanced ventilation method to solve the existing problems; 运用科特流理论分析了列车与隧道间气流对列车通风系统的影响,针对现有通风系统存在的问题提出了同步换气法;
In this paper, the effect of dilute polymer solutions on flow instability in Taylor-Couette flow is discussed. 本文讨论了聚合物添加剂对Taylor-Couette流的流动稳定性的影响。
The paper derives the unit discharge formula of a journal sliding bearing according to the theory of Couette flow between two concentric cylinders. 根据环隙科特流理论导出了滑动轴承偏心环隙的单位宽循环流量公式。
Plane Couette Flow of Power Law Fluids with Viscosity Depending on Temperature 粘度随温度而变的幂律流体的平面Couette流
A derivation is also presented for the Couette flow with a sawtooth boundary. With the different sizes of the fringe amplitude and height, we analyze the flowing characters of the sawtooth-boundary Couette flow and get preferable results. ⑷对锯齿形边界Couette流进行了引申,得到了沟槽形状边界Couette流,对应条纹的幅度与高度的不同尺度下,对沟槽形状边界Couette流的流动特征作了分析,得到较好的结果。
A Model Study of Stability of Couette Flow Couette流的稳定性的一个典型研究
Couette flow between cylinders in transition regime 过渡领域圆柱间Couette流动
On the Turbulent Couette Flow 论紊流Couette流
An Evaluation of Wall Shear Stress with Blowing and Suction Based on Couette Flow 根据库埃特流动模型计算质量喷射和抽吸紊流边界层壁面剪应力的减少和增加
Based on the analysis of the equilateral triangular cavity flow field, the paper numerically simulates the Couette flow with a sawtooth boundary. ⑶在对正三角腔流流场模拟分析的基础上,对锯齿形边界Couette流进行了数值模拟。
The Application of Multi-Scale Perturbation Method to the Stability Analysis of Plane Couette Flow 多重尺度法在平面Couette流稳定性分析中的应用
The calculational results of the Couette flow are presented to demonstrate that using this program can obtain the correct and accurate results considering moving wall effects. 为了验证采用本程序计算移动壁面效应的正确性,本文给出了Couette流动的计算结果。
Effect of Polymer Additives in Taylor-Couette Flow and Drag Reduction Mechanism 聚合物添加剂对Taylor-Couette流的影响及减阻机理
Numerical Simulation of Spherical Couette Flow 球Couette流的数值模拟
Experimental study of chaotic phenomena in a circular Couette flow system 圆Couette流混沌现象的实验研究
The Experimental Determination of the Critical Reynolds Number of the Couette Flow Between Two Concentric Cylinders in Which the Taylor Vortices are Filtrated 滤除泰勒涡的同心环隙科特流临界雷诺数的实验确定
On the Nonlinear Stability Behaviour of Distorted Plane Couette Flow 经过修正的平面Couette流的非线性稳定性研究
Simulation of temperature distribution in rest flow and Couette flow by using 12 bit lattice gas automaton model 用12bit格子气自动机模型模拟静止流和Couette流的温度分布
An Experiment Report of Plane Couette Flow with Zero Shear-Stress Plane 具有零切应力平面的平面科特流实验研究
Heat transfer performance of paraffin as a phase change material ( PCM) in a concentric annulus The Laminar Couette Flow Between Two Concentric Cylinders With Adverse Pressure Gradient 石蜡相变材料在同心环隙管内的基本传热行为同心环隙有压科特流层流解析解及实验验证
On Couette Flow in a Concentric Circular Clearance With Pressure Gradient 同心环隙有压科特(Couette)流总论
First, the classic Poiseuille flow and Couette flow are investigated to validate of the SPH method. 首先通过模拟经典的Poiseuille流和Couette流验证了方法的正确性。
The tangential pressure flow velocity is an odd function of the parameter y, and the axial Couette flow velocity distribution along the radial direction in the screw grooves is a similar parabola distribution. 其中切向压力流是关于y轴的奇函数,轴向拖动流在转子螺槽类似抛物线分布,将速度沿螺槽深度积分得到泵流量扬程关系式。